AP® Private Tutoring Packages
Customize your experience with a professional online tutor and get help tackling any AP® course work or test preparation.
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2 Hours
Want to give us a try? Experience personalized support with our 2-hour trial session! This is an excellent way to tackle a specific area of one AP Exam subject and learn test strategies from our expert tutors. Perfect for students seeking quick, actionable strategies to boost performance and achieve their goals.
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5 Hours
Elevate your performance with our 5-hour package, designed for students seeking focused support in a single AP exam subject. Ideal for those already performing well but striving for that next-level score increase. Work one-on-one with an expert tutor to fine-tune your understanding, master advanced strategies, and achieve the confidence needed to reach your goal.
10 Hours
Achieve your academic goals with our 10-hour program, perfect for students aiming to secure a 5 on a single AP exam or seeking expert guidance in two AP subjects. This package offers in-depth, personalized instruction to help you master complex topics, refine your test-taking strategies, and build confidence.